In a short but surely carefully crafted post on the messaging app Telegram, the commander in chief of Ukraine’s armed forces has ratcheted up speculation that a massive counteroffensive against Russia’s occupying forces could be imminent. “The time has come to take back what is ours,” General Valerii Zaluzhnyi wrote Saturday morning. The text
A Russian strike on a Ukranian hospital killed at least 2 people. Here’s where things stand.
It is approaching 1 p.m. in Ukraine, where first responders have finished working to clear debris after a devastating Russian strike on the Ukrainian city of Dnipro yesterday.
Top 3 Smartest Dog Breeds in the World
Tibetan Mastiff This dog ranks first among their very trainable dog breeds on earth not because they are not intelligent (they are really very smart!) However, because they are distant and separate. You may need to be more creative than normal when training your Afghan greyhound, but with patience, consistency, plus plenty of treats, you […]
More explosions & gunfire in Amsterdam and Rotterdam areas last night
Monday night was one of violent incidents in the Netherlands, with three shootings and two explosions in the Amsterdam and Rotterdam regions. One person got hurt in a shooting in Amsterdam. The other incidents involved only material damage. The Amsterdam shooting happened at around 1:25 a.m. on Bijlmerdreef. First responders found a person with a [
Belgium remains opposed to France’s plans to build a wind farm off the coast of Dunkirk, North Sea Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne reaffirmed on the sidelines of the North Sea Summit in Ostend on Monday.
France is planning the construction of an offshore wind farm composed of 46 turbines off the coast of Dunkirk, on the borders of Belgian territorial waters, for 2028. While the farm has a maximum production capacity of 600 megawatts (MW), equivalent to the annual consumption of nearly one million people, its highest turbines should be […]
Polish cops arrest man accused of showing Holocaust denial theory on Anne Frank House
Police in the Netherlands announced the arrest of a suspect in Poland who was believed to be responsible for projecting a series of statements on the Anne Frank House meant to cast doubt about the legitimacy of Anne Frank’s history and the Holocaust. The suspect is a 41-year-old-man who was arrested by authorities in Poland while Dutch [&
KEER OP KEER – HOE DE GEORGANISEERDE MISDAAD DE HAVENS VAN EUROPA INFILTREERT Nu is het tijd voor Europese regeringen om dit jarenlange spel van illegale cocaïnehandel te stoppen. Criminele netwerken die containers verduisteren verwijzen naar codes om honderden tonnen drugs en illegale goederen vanuit Ecuador naar de EU te smokkel
“Eindelijk een nieuwe internationale politiecoördinatie om de cocaïnehandel tussen Zuid-Amerika en Europa te stoppen.” Het dateert van bijna vijf maanden geleden, de maxi-inbeslagname van drugs die in de haven van Hamburg .Werd gevonden meer dan 2500 kg cocaïne verborgen in een koelcontainer geladen met bananen uit Ecuador stopte in Ham
Ukraine’s counteroffensive is shrouded in confusion. That may be the plan
Ukraine’s counteroffensive is shrouded in confusion. That may be the plan Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the commander in chief of Ukraine’s armed forces, has added to speculation that a long-expected massive counteroffensive by Kyiv against Russia’s occupying forces could be imminent. “The time has come to take back what is ours,” Zaluzhnyi wrote S
The Guardian, former Wagner soldiers have previously admitted committing war crimes in Ukraine.
Prigozhin has earned a reputation as the cruellest commander among those leading Russia’s grim invasion. In conversations with the Guardian, former Wagner soldiers have previously admitted committing war crimes in Ukraine. Still, observers say the latest tirade marks an unusual level of infighting in Russia and comes at a sensitive time when the Kr